The Music Pill’s Bucket List – 2014

So, I’ve been to hundreds of shows and seen hundreds and hundreds of bands play. While some might think that’s crazy, I think it’s very cool that I’ve been able to follow my passion so closely for so many years.

However, even after all the late nights in loud venues and sweltering days at summer festivals I’ve spent listening to live music, there’s still some bands that I just haven’t really seen yet. I think about these bands…my proverbial “bucket list”….in my head all the time, and get very, VERY excited when I get to check something off. So, I figured I’d jot down some bucket list shows so I don’t forget any of them. Plus, this gives me a list, and if you know anything about me, you know that crossing things off of a list is very satisfying to me. 🙂

Music Pill Update – April 2014

Music Pill Update – April 2014

A brutally cold winter in Indianapolis, coupled with limited music releases, had me shaking with the desire to dive into some music. Still nothing on the concert calendar, but there has been a lot of great music released as we inch closer to spring.

Now, I don’t fancy myself an album reviewer – people who review albums need to use phrases that have big words and sound official but don’t really actually mean anything. Actual example I read recently: “Each and every aspect of this record breathes with dynamic feeling.” Since I have no idea what that means (does anybody?), I’ve never really felt adequate to write official album reviews. Rather, I focus the blog on live shows and the experience that music gives me, because nobody can tell me I’m wrong. 🙂

BUT… shows in months and a craving to write leaves me no choice. So….here’s a few notes on some albums that have surfaced recently. A couple major hits, a couple disappointments, and a couple in between. Enjoy!