Random Thoughts: Evanescence 2.0

Maybe its because I am disgusted with the Colts and football right now, but I decided to let the Women of Metal rock out a little bit today here at the Music Pill, so I thought I’d share my thoughts.

Evanescence just released a new self-titled album that fans had been waiting for for over 5 years. Amy Lee proves on this album once again why she has been so successful in the music industry. Her powerful voice, extreme talent behind the keyboard, and great song writing deliver another great album that Evanescence fans will really enjoy. In addition, she continues to push the envelope, adding full orchestral instrumentals to some of her songs to make them bigger and even more impressive. All in all, a solid album, and I look forward to the opportunity to see them tour it next year. Check out the new single What You Want, or check out My Heart is Broken for some great work by Lee on the keys.